Wolfman / Werewolf Foam Latex Nose & Brow Prosthetic
Product Details
Created and molded by award winning makeup artist Thomas Surprenant exclusively for FX Wareshouse.
Made of soft 3D foam that moves with your skin. Use Pros-aide or Pro Adhesive to adhere. Check out our How To section on applying a foam latex prosthetic.
Foam latex prosthetics are basically a 1 time use. But if you are very careful, take your time and use a lot of remover you may be able to get multiple uses out of it. If you remove, clean it well and then let air out on a form to keep it's shape and let the remover evaporate. Powder it and place in a zip lock baggy away from sunlight.
Add a Pro makeup kit
Pro kit includes:
1oz Pro adhesive
2oz Remover
1 RMG (rubber mask grease) palette
1 Mini Brush Kit
1 Translucent Powder
1 Powder Puff
Sponge Wedges
Also available is Thom's PAX paint kit which included 6 great colors he uses for his Wolfman makeups. PAX is an adhesive paint. You can apply it to the prosthetics and your skin. It will stay on until you take it off. If you need more info on PAX email us at sales @fxwarehouse.info
Also available are Thom's great set of Wolfman Foam Latex ears.