Liquid Latex Flesh Color
Product Details
Flesh colored latex for skin. Use to blend edges on small applicances. You could also pour it into small plaster molds (which we carry) to make your own wounds and cuts.
For Old Age wrinkles or Zombies, apply to skin and while you stretchthe skin, dry it (cool blow dryer or fan) and release.
It will create deeper wrinkles with more layers, or add small layer of tissue paper along with the latex. Use Rubber Mask Grease Paint (RMG) over the makeup. Be aware that some people are allergic to latex, test on a small part of skin first.
WINTER WARNING: If latex freezes during shipping in cold m months it could ruin. If you are located outside a 2 day ship it's recommended you ship Next Day or 2nd Day Air. Order at your own risk during winter months.